- 使用数组
- 数组未排序,优点:直接再数组末尾添加,速度快;缺点:查找速度慢。
- 数组排序,优点:可以使用二分查找,查找速度快;缺点:为了保证数组有序,在添加新数据时,找到插入位置后,数据需要整体移动,速度慢。
- 使用链式存储(链表)
- 不管链表是否有序,查找速度都慢,添加数据不需要整体移动,添加速度比数组快。
- 使用二叉排序树
二叉排序树:BST(Binary Sort(Search) Tree),对于二叉排序树的任何一个非叶子节点,要求左子节点的值比当前节点的值小,右子节点的值比当前节点的值大。
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| package com.jokerdig.binarySortTree;
public class BinarySortTreeDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int [] arr = {7,3,10,12,5,1,9}; BinarySortTree binarySortTree = new BinarySortTree(); for(int value:arr){ binarySortTree.add(new Node(value)); } binarySortTree.infixOrder(); } }
class BinarySortTree{ private Node root; public void add(Node node){ if(root==null){ root = node; }else{ root.add(node); } } public void infixOrder(){ if(root!=null){ root.infixOrder(); }else{ System.out.println("没有数据"); } } }
class Node{ int value; Node left; Node right;
public Node(int value) { this.value = value; }
@Override public String toString() { return "Node{" + "value=" + value + '}'; }
public void add(Node node){ if(node==null) { return; } if(node.value<this.value){ if(this.left==null){ this.left = node; }else{ this.left.add(node); } }else{ if(this.right==null){ this.right = node; }else{ this.right.add(node); } } }
public void infixOrder(){ if(this.left!=null){ this.left.infixOrder(); } System.out.println(this); if(this.right!=null){ this.right.infixOrder(); } } }
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| Node{value=1} Node{value=3} Node{value=5} Node{value=7} Node{value=9} Node{value=10} Node{value=12}
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左子节点:parent.left = null;
右子节点:parent.right = null;
- 需要先去定位要删除的节点targetNode;
- 找到targetNode的父节点parent;
- 确定targetNode的子节点是左子节点还是右子节点;
- targetNode是parent的左子节点还是右子节点;
- 如果targetNode有左子节点:
- 如果targetNode是parent的左子节点:parent.left = targetNode.left;
- 如果targetNode是parent的右子节点:parent.right = targetNode.left;
- 如果targetNode有右子节点:
- 如果targetNode是parent的左子节点:parent.left = targetNode.right;
- 如果targetNode是parent的右子节点:parent.right = targetNode.right;
- 需要先去定位要删除的节点targetNode;
- 找到targetNode的父节点parent;
- 从targetNode的右子树找到最小的节点(或左子树找到最大节点);
- 用一个临时变量temp,将最小节点值保存;
- 删除该最小节点;
- targetNode.value = temp;
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| package com.jokerdig.binarySortTree;
public class BinarySortTreeDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int [] arr = {7,3,10,12,5,1,9,2}; BinarySortTree binarySortTree = new BinarySortTree(); for(int value:arr){ binarySortTree.add(new Node(value)); } binarySortTree.infixOrder();
binarySortTree.delNode(2); System.out.println("删除叶子节点2后的二叉排序树"); binarySortTree.infixOrder(); } }
class BinarySortTree{ private Node root; public void add(Node node){ if(root==null){ root = node; }else{ root.add(node); } } public void infixOrder(){ if(root!=null){ root.infixOrder(); }else{ System.out.println("没有数据"); } }
public Node search(int value){ if(root == null){ return null; }else{ return root.search(value); } }
public Node searchParent(int value){ if(root == null){ return null; }else{ return root.searchParent(value); } }
public void delNode(int value){ if(root==null){ return; }else{ Node targetNode = search(value); if(targetNode == null){ return; } if(root.left == null && root.right == null){ root = null; return; } Node parent = searchParent(value); if(targetNode.left == null && targetNode.right == null){ if(parent.left != null && parent.left.value ==value){ parent.left = null; }else if(parent.right !=null && parent.right.value == value){ parent.right = null; } } } } }
class Node{ int value; Node left; Node right;
public Node(int value) { this.value = value; }
@Override public String toString() { return "Node{" + "value=" + value + '}'; }
public Node search(int value){ if(value == this.value){ return this; }else if(value < this.value){ if(this.left == null){ return null; } return this.left.search(value); }else{ if(this.right == null){ return null; } return this.right.search(value); } }
public Node searchParent(int value){ if((this.left != null && this.left.value == value) || (this.right!=null && this.right.value == value)){ return this; }else{ if(value < this.value && this.left!=null){ return this.left.searchParent(value); } else if(value >= this.value && this.right!=null){ return this.right.searchParent(value); } else{ return null; } } } public void add(Node node){ if(node==null) { return; } if(node.value<this.value){ if(this.left==null){ this.left = node; }else{ this.left.add(node); } }else{ if(this.right==null){ this.right = node; }else{ this.right.add(node); } } } public void infixOrder(){ if(this.left!=null){ this.left.infixOrder(); } System.out.println(this); if(this.right!=null){ this.right.infixOrder(); } } }
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| Node{value=1} Node{value=2} Node{value=3} Node{value=5} Node{value=7} Node{value=9} Node{value=10} Node{value=12} 删除叶子节点2后的二叉排序树 Node{value=1} Node{value=3} Node{value=5} Node{value=7} Node{value=9} Node{value=10} Node{value=12}
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| package com.jokerdig.binarySortTree;
public class BinarySortTreeDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int [] arr = {7,3,10,12,5,1,9,2}; BinarySortTree binarySortTree = new BinarySortTree(); for(int value:arr){ binarySortTree.add(new Node(value)); } binarySortTree.infixOrder();
binarySortTree.delNode(1); System.out.println("删除有一棵子树的节点的二叉排序树"); binarySortTree.infixOrder(); } }
class BinarySortTree{ private Node root; public void add(Node node){ if(root==null){ root = node; }else{ root.add(node); } } public void infixOrder(){ if(root!=null){ root.infixOrder(); }else{ System.out.println("没有数据"); } } public Node search(int value){ if(root == null){ return null; }else{ return root.search(value); } }
public Node searchParent(int value){ if(root == null){ return null; }else{ return root.searchParent(value); } } public void delNode(int value){ if(root==null){ return; }else{ Node targetNode = search(value); if(targetNode == null){ return; } if(root.left == null && root.right == null){ root = null; return; } Node parent = searchParent(value); if(targetNode.left == null && targetNode.right == null){ if(parent.left != null && parent.left.value ==value){ parent.left = null; }else if(parent.right !=null && parent.right.value == value){ parent.right = null; } }else if(targetNode.left!=null && targetNode.right!=null){
}else{ if(targetNode.left!=null){ if(parent.left.value == value){ parent.left = targetNode.left; }else{ parent.right = targetNode.left; } } else{ if(parent.left.value == value){ parent.left = targetNode.right; }else{ parent.right = targetNode.right; } } } } } }
class Node{ int value; Node left; Node right;
public Node(int value) { this.value = value; }
@Override public String toString() { return "Node{" + "value=" + value + '}'; }
public Node search(int value){ if(value == this.value){ return this; }else if(value < this.value){ if(this.left == null){ return null; } return this.left.search(value); }else{ if(this.right == null){ return null; } return this.right.search(value); } }
public Node searchParent(int value){ if((this.left != null && this.left.value == value) || (this.right!=null && this.right.value == value)){ return this; }else{ if(value < this.value && this.left!=null){ return this.left.searchParent(value); } else if(value >= this.value && this.right!=null){ return this.right.searchParent(value); } else{ return null; } } } public void add(Node node){ if(node==null) { return; } if(node.value<this.value){ if(this.left==null){ this.left = node; }else{ this.left.add(node); } }else{ if(this.right==null){ this.right = node; }else{ this.right.add(node); } } } public void infixOrder(){ if(this.left!=null){ this.left.infixOrder(); } System.out.println(this); if(this.right!=null){ this.right.infixOrder(); } } }
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| Node{value=1} Node{value=2} Node{value=3} Node{value=5} Node{value=7} Node{value=9} Node{value=10} Node{value=12} 删除有一棵子树的节点的二叉排序树 Node{value=2} Node{value=3} Node{value=5} Node{value=7} Node{value=9} Node{value=10} Node{value=12}
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| package com.jokerdig.binarySortTree;
public class BinarySortTreeDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int [] arr = {7,3,10,12,5,1,9,2}; BinarySortTree binarySortTree = new BinarySortTree(); for(int value:arr){ binarySortTree.add(new Node(value)); } binarySortTree.infixOrder();
binarySortTree.delNode(3); System.out.println("删除有两棵子树的节点的二叉排序树"); binarySortTree.infixOrder(); } }
class BinarySortTree{ private Node root; public void add(Node node){ if(root==null){ root = node; }else{ root.add(node); } } public void infixOrder(){ if(root!=null){ root.infixOrder(); }else{ System.out.println("没有数据"); } } public Node search(int value){ if(root == null){ return null; }else{ return root.search(value); } }
public Node searchParent(int value){ if(root == null){ return null; }else{ return root.searchParent(value); } } public void delNode(int value){ if(root==null){ return; }else{ Node targetNode = search(value); if(targetNode == null){ return; } if(root.left == null && root.right == null){ root = null; return; } Node parent = searchParent(value); if(targetNode.left == null && targetNode.right == null){ if(parent.left != null && parent.left.value ==value){ parent.left = null; }else if(parent.right !=null && parent.right.value == value){ parent.right = null; } }else if(targetNode.left!=null && targetNode.right!=null){ int min = delRightTreeMin(targetNode.right); targetNode.value = min; }else{ if(targetNode.left!=null){ if(parent.left.value == value){ parent.left = targetNode.left; }else{ parent.right = targetNode.left; } } else{ if(parent.left.value == value){ parent.left = targetNode.right; }else{ parent.right = targetNode.right; } } } } }
public int delRightTreeMin(Node node){ Node target = node; while(target.left!=null){ target = target.left; } delNode(target.value); return target.value; } }
class Node{ int value; Node left; Node right;
public Node(int value) { this.value = value; }
@Override public String toString() { return "Node{" + "value=" + value + '}'; }
public Node search(int value){ if(value == this.value){ return this; }else if(value < this.value){ if(this.left == null){ return null; } return this.left.search(value); }else{ if(this.right == null){ return null; } return this.right.search(value); } }
public Node searchParent(int value){ if((this.left != null && this.left.value == value) || (this.right!=null && this.right.value == value)){ return this; }else{ if(value < this.value && this.left!=null){ return this.left.searchParent(value); } else if(value >= this.value && this.right!=null){ return this.right.searchParent(value); } else{ return null; } } } public void add(Node node){ if(node==null) { return; } if(node.value<this.value){ if(this.left==null){ this.left = node; }else{ this.left.add(node); } }else{ if(this.right==null){ this.right = node; }else{ this.right.add(node); } } } public void infixOrder(){ if(this.left!=null){ this.left.infixOrder(); } System.out.println(this); if(this.right!=null){ this.right.infixOrder(); } } }
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| Node{value=1} Node{value=2} Node{value=3} Node{value=5} Node{value=7} Node{value=9} Node{value=10} Node{value=12} 删除有两棵子树的节点的二叉排序树 Node{value=1} Node{value=2} Node{value=5} Node{value=7} Node{value=9} Node{value=10} Node{value=12}
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| package com.jokerdig.binarySortTree;
public class BinarySortTreeDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { int [] arr = {7,3,10,12,5,1,9,2}; BinarySortTree binarySortTree = new BinarySortTree(); for(int value:arr){ binarySortTree.add(new Node(value)); } binarySortTree.infixOrder();
binarySortTree.delNode(7); System.out.println("删除根节点后的二叉排序树"); binarySortTree.infixOrder(); } }
class BinarySortTree{ private Node root; public void add(Node node){ if(root==null){ root = node; }else{ root.add(node); } } public void infixOrder(){ if(root!=null){ root.infixOrder(); }else{ System.out.println("没有数据"); } } public Node search(int value){ if(root == null){ return null; }else{ return root.search(value); } }
public Node searchParent(int value){ if(root == null){ return null; }else{ return root.searchParent(value); } } public void delNode(int value){ if(root==null){ return; }else{ Node targetNode = search(value); if(targetNode == null){ return; } if(root.left == null && root.right == null){ root = null; return; } Node parent = searchParent(value); if(targetNode.left == null && targetNode.right == null){ if(parent.left != null && parent.left.value ==value){ parent.left = null; }else if(parent.right !=null && parent.right.value == value){ parent.right = null; } }else if(targetNode.left!=null && targetNode.right!=null){ int min = delRightTreeMin(targetNode.right); targetNode.value = min; }else{ if(targetNode.left!=null){ if(parent!=null){ if(parent.left.value == value){ parent.left = targetNode.left; }else{ parent.right = targetNode.left; } }else{ root = targetNode.left; } } else{ if(parent!=null) { if(parent.left.value == value){ parent.left = targetNode.right; }else{ parent.right = targetNode.right; } }else{ root = targetNode.right; }
} } } }
public int delRightTreeMin(Node node){ Node target = node; while(target.left!=null){ target = target.left; } delNode(target.value); return target.value; } }
class Node{ int value; Node left; Node right;
public Node(int value) { this.value = value; }
@Override public String toString() { return "Node{" + "value=" + value + '}'; }
public Node search(int value){ if(value == this.value){ return this; }else if(value < this.value){ if(this.left == null){ return null; } return this.left.search(value); }else{ if(this.right == null){ return null; } return this.right.search(value); } }
public Node searchParent(int value){ if((this.left != null && this.left.value == value) || (this.right!=null && this.right.value == value)){ return this; }else{ if(value < this.value && this.left!=null){ return this.left.searchParent(value); } else if(value >= this.value && this.right!=null){ return this.right.searchParent(value); } else{ return null; } } } public void add(Node node){ if(node==null) { return; } if(node.value<this.value){ if(this.left==null){ this.left = node; }else{ this.left.add(node); } }else{ if(this.right==null){ this.right = node; }else{ this.right.add(node); } } } public void infixOrder(){ if(this.left!=null){ this.left.infixOrder(); } System.out.println(this); if(this.right!=null){ this.right.infixOrder(); } } }
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| Node{value=1} Node{value=2} Node{value=3} Node{value=5} Node{value=7} Node{value=9} Node{value=10} Node{value=12} 删除根节点后的二叉排序树 Node{value=1} Node{value=2} Node{value=3} Node{value=5} Node{value=9} Node{value=10} Node{value=12}
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