- 先创建第一个节点,让first指向该节点,并形成环形;
- 之后我们每创建一个新的节点,就把该节点加入到已有的环形链表中;
- 先让一个辅助指针(变量)指向first节点;
- 然后通过while循环遍历该环形链表即可;
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| package com.jokerdig.linkedlist;
public class Josephus { public static void main(String[] args) { CircleSingleLinkedList circleSingleLinkedList = new CircleSingleLinkedList(); circleSingleLinkedList.addBoy(5); circleSingleLinkedList.listBoy();
} }
class CircleSingleLinkedList { private Boy first = null;
public void addBoy(int nums){ if(nums < 1){ System.out.println("nums的值不正确"); return; } Boy curBoy = null; for (int i = 1; i <= nums; i++) { Boy boy = new Boy(i); if(i==1){ first = boy; first.setNext(first); curBoy = first; }else{ curBoy.setNext(boy); boy.setNext(first); curBoy = boy; } } }
public void listBoy(){ if(first==null){ System.out.println("链表为空"); return; } Boy curBoy = first; while(true){ System.out.printf("boy的编号%d \n",curBoy.getNo()); if(curBoy.getNext()==first){ break; } curBoy = curBoy.getNext(); } } }
class Boy{ private int no; private Boy next;
public Boy(int no){ this.no = no; }
public int getNo() { return no; }
public void setNo(int no) { this.no = no; }
public Boy getNext() { return next; }
public void setNext(Boy next) { this.next = next; } }
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| boy的编号1 boy的编号2 boy的编号3 boy的编号4 boy的编号5
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- 需要创建一个辅助指针helper,实现指向环形链表的最后一个节点;
- 报数前,先让first和helper移动
- 当boy报数时,让first和helper指针同时移动
- 这时将first指向的节点出圈,即
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| package com.jokerdig.linkedlist;
public class Josephus { public static void main(String[] args) { CircleSingleLinkedList circleSingleLinkedList = new CircleSingleLinkedList(); circleSingleLinkedList.addBoy(5); circleSingleLinkedList.countBoy(1,2,5); } }
class CircleSingleLinkedList { private Boy first = null;
public void addBoy(int nums){ if(nums < 1){ System.out.println("nums的值不正确"); return; } Boy curBoy = null; for (int i = 1; i <= nums; i++) { Boy boy = new Boy(i); if(i==1){ first = boy; first.setNext(first); curBoy = first; }else{ curBoy.setNext(boy); boy.setNext(first); curBoy = boy; } } }
public void listBoy(){ if(first==null){ System.out.println("链表为空"); return; } Boy curBoy = first; while(true){ System.out.printf("boy的编号%d \n",curBoy.getNo()); if(curBoy.getNext()==first){ break; } curBoy = curBoy.getNext(); } }
public void countBoy(int startNo,int countNum,int nums){ if(first==null || startNo<1 || startNo>nums){ System.out.println("输入参数有误"); return; } Boy helper = first; while(true){ if(helper.getNext()==first){ break; } helper = helper.getNext(); } for(int j = 0;j<startNo-1;j++){ first = first.getNext(); helper = helper.getNext(); } while(true) { if (helper == first) { break; } for (int i = 0; i < countNum - 1; i++) { first = first.getNext(); helper = helper.getNext(); } System.out.printf("boy%d出圈\n", first.getNo()); first = first.getNext(); helper.setNext(first); } System.out.printf("最后留在圈中的boy为%d \n",first.getNo()); } }
class Boy{ private int no; private Boy next;
public Boy(int no){ this.no = no; }
public int getNo() { return no; }
public void setNo(int no) { this.no = no; }
public Boy getNext() { return next; }
public void setNext(Boy next) { this.next = next; } }
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| boy2出圈 boy4出圈 boy1出圈 boy5出圈 最后留在圈中的boy为3
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